Lanier Elementary School is one of twenty-one elementary schools located in Hall County, Georgia, located eight miles of Gainesville. Lanier Elementary is located near Murrayville, a small community between Gainesville and Dahlonega in northeast Georgia. Lanier Elementary, named after Lake Lanier, opened in 1956 and has held a reputation as an excellent school in the community.
In 1998, Lanier Elementary was hit by an F-4 tornado and much of the facility was destroyed. Many of our students were bused to other schools in the district for the remainder of the school year. During the months following the tornado, the spirit and strength of the Lanier community pulled together to overcome this tragedy. In the fall of 1999, the completed facility reopened. In 2003, Lanier was a part of a five school redistricting effort to relieve overcrowding in the North Hall area. Our student population increased as a result of redistricting. When Lanier Elementary fifth grade students leave Lanier, they now attend Chestatee Middle School in the Chestatee area. Lanier Elementary is afforded tremendous community and family support with several new businesses that provide opportunities for extracurricular activities for our students such as dance, music, and karate. Lanier has an active Parent Teacher Organization, School Council, and parent volunteers that support the school.
School Hours: 7:45 a.m. – 2:25 p.m.
Earliest Arrival Time: Car riders will be dropped off at the gym entrance between 7:15-7:45 a.m., at which time supervision will begin. Car riders report to the gym and bus riders to the lunchroom. After 7:30 a.m. students will be released to homeroom. Students should arrive early enough to be in class by 7:45.
Bus Information: Information regarding route number and pick up times will be available at Open House. The School Bus Guide outlines the safety rules, behavior expectations, and policy of bus conduct, which will be strictly enforced. Bus routes, pickup times, and driver training are handled by the Bus Shop (770) 287-0942.
Lunch (11:00-1:00) & Breakfast (7:15-7:40): Lunch for students is $1.70, and the cost of breakfast is $1.00. Reduced lunch is $0.40, and reduced breakfast is $0.30. Meal tickets will be on sale at Open House. Free/reduced lunch applications will be sent home the first day of school. The cost of lunch for adult visitors is $3.50. Ice cream and water will also be sold in the cafeteria for $1.00.
Attendance/Tardy: Please make every effort for your child to have great
Clinic: A nurse will be employed at Lanier Elementary each day. Students requiring medication, whether prescription or non-prescription, must have a medication form on file in the clinic. All prescription and non-prescription drugs must be in their original containers and turned into the clinic. At no time may a teacher dispense any medication.
Parent drop off & pick up: Morning procedure: Parents will drop off children at the front entrance between 7:15-7:45.
Afternoon procedure: K-2 parents will pick up at the gym entrance starting at 2:22.
Grades 3-5 (together with younger K-2 siblings) will wait in the gym until K-2 loading is completed.
Parents of grade 3-5 will pick up at the gym after 2:30.
Student check-out/transportation changes: For your child’s safety, a picture ID will be required of any adult to check out a student. If your child’s afternoon transportation changes, please send a signed note with your child, fax your written permission to the school at (770) 531-3017, or E-mail by 1:50 p.m.
No phone authorizations will be accepted.
The Hall County Code of Conduct Disciplinary Procedure will be strictly enforced at Lanier to ensure appropriate behavior is exhibited and maintained for a safe and secure learning environment. The discipline plan given out the first day of school will outline expectations for student behavior. We follow Choice Theory by William Glasser which promotes responsibility.
Student Agenda/Work Folders: All students will have a work folder that will be sent home each Tuesday for you to monitor their progress. In addition, 3rd, 4th & 5th graders will be given a student planner to help keep them organized. This daily planner will be a vital part of a successful school year as your child records his assignments, projects, and tests.
Standardize Testing: Students in grades 3rd, 4th & 5th take state Milestones Assessment.
VISITORS: Visitors must park in the front parking lot and sign in at the main office, and wear a visitor’s sticker while on school property.